What does the customer like and why is he buying? What actually makes him decide a product or a brand? Neuromarketing wants to have the answer to that. And with this the question of what paves the way into the customer’s brain.
We will briefly show you what exactly neuromarketing is based on. And how you can use it for your campaign.
What is neuromarketing?
As a sub-discipline of advertising psychology , neuromarketing deals with all processes of brain activity that have a positive, as well as negative, influence on a purchase decision. There are many methods of researching these brain activities. Particulary mentioned should be EEG and fMRI </ a >. As well as eye tracking.
Results from this research show that a remarkable 95% of purchase decisions are made on the basis of gut feeling. I.e. actually purely emotional .
In a nutshell: There are no (purchase) decisions without feelings .
Which emotions play the key role?
In 2002 a research team demonstrated, that the reward center, and with it the area that arouses the desire for something, is stimulated particulary. Namely, when the test person sees something that increases him in terms of demonstrable prosperity. And thus social dominance .
12 male test persons were asked to rate photos of different vehicle models according to their attractiveness. You guessed it: the photos of the sports cars clearly stimulated the corresponding areas in the brain that trigger positive emotions.
Conclusion: If is status, reputation, simply “being special” promised, it triggers desire. Thus also the purchase decision. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a sports car, baby food or fashion. The target group knows what makes them rise within their social environment. Because of this they´re looking for it.
Which personalities are distinguished in neuromarketing?
Because the Limbic system is responsible for desires, neuromarketing distinguishes between so-called “Limbic types”. They in turn are derived from the limbic model .
They can be roughly divided into four categories, which of course cannot be strictly separated. Often the characteristics overlap.
The four limbic types
1. Traditionalists / Preservers / Harmonizers: Neuromarketing reaches them through stimulants such as security, comfort and stability.
Exemplary marketing example: Werthers Original
2. Adventurer / Performer / Epicures: This type is clearly triggered by dominance. Furthermore by an increase in self-esteem or the prospect of discovering and owning something new. In fact something, that no one else has (or can easily acquire).
Exemplary marketing example: BMW
3. Disciplined: Similar to the type mentioned above, they´re stimulated by a prospective increase in self-worth, superiority, but also additional self-optimization.
Exemplary marketing example: adidas
4. Open-Minded: The open-minded like to be emotionalized by various stimulants. They appreciate the excitement and the being special just like the hedonists, but also look for the manageable and secure, as the traditionalists prefer.
Exemplary marketing example: Amazon Alexa
How does neuromarketing help your brand?
As a social being, people strive for appropriate recognition within their environment. As mentioned above, consciously or unconsciously, they are looking for exactly these status symbols. On their customer journey they would like – and must be – picked up accordingly with your campaign.
How to activate your target group
Emotions as a trigger for buying impulses and possibilities of stimulation we´ve already shown in this (German Language) article .
But here are a few more methods to improve the positive perception of your offer. And, of course, to increase the willingness to buy.
Use the social proof
This of course includes the well-known customer ratings. Invite users who have already converted to leave a review onto the relevant portals. The more of the good reviews you can show (and should also show, for example, in your push messages), the greater trust you will earn with future customers. The brain of the herd animal human works very conservative: the more people use something (and are pleased with it!), apparently the safer it is. And thereby it has to be good.
Make it easy for interested parties
Learning new things costs the brain some energy. In this context, learning also means memorizing a campaign or a message. Since the brain is reluctant to expend resources, you need to make “learning” your commercial message as comfortable as possible. All people as “ Cognitive Misser ” it is best to pick them up with simple slogans. Also a page that is easy to use and a quick check-out process is ideal for this.
Make yourself remembered
Too consistent: the unwillingly learning brain also quickly forgets. So make sure you have an appropriate, but unobtrusive campaign. Retargeting has proven to be a particularly effective method here.
Storytelling makes you memorable
Emotions can best be aroused if the customer has an area of identification. You can achieve this with the element of storytelling. Show your product or service in an application.
That sounds sober at first. But what that means exactly depends on your content. Tell something touching, funny, maybe even provocative, touchingly provocative. …
Whichever way you tell your story, the advertising entertains the viewers. And tickles the emotion they need. And, add-on, they pick up the advertising message immediately and sustainably.
Would you like more information and initial advice for your targeted push campaign and customer activation? Talk to us, we will be happy to support you with your strategy . </ strong >