When sparwelt REISEN was launched, we were faced with a major challenge at the beginning. How can we successfully convey travel bargains to end customers with a short stay and without large organic traffic? Establishing a significant newsletter distribution list seemed to us to be an unsuitable means at the beginning, as we expected a more conservative sign-up rate. We had already dealt with the topic of push notifications for a long time and knew that the opt-in rate is significantly better compared to the newsletter. In addition, the workload for a push notification is significantly less than it is for the creation of a newsletter. Another big plus is the fact that we always reach the user with a push notification when they are currently online. After all, timing is a particularly critical factor when very cheap travel deals are available, as these usually sell out quickly.
All in all, push notifications have many advantages over e-mail & Co., which is why we focused on this CRM channel in the initial phase.

User acquisition
Acquiring users is very easy with CleverPush. Thanks to the simple setup, the first leads can be collected after just a few minutes. We have decided that the website visitor will be shown the notification to log in after just 5 seconds. With this setting we achieve an opt-in rate of approx. 23%. Even with a small organic reach, we were able to build a super-performing channel in a short time, which was already in the four-digit range after a few weeks.
With sparwelt REISEN, we primarily use push notifications to send very time-sensitive travel deals. These are particularly cheap and high-quality travel deals for which there are only a few remaining places. Since the creation of an e-mail takes far too long for this, the push notification in the final communication with the customer is by far our most important instrument.
Right from the start, push notifications have proven to be a very high-performance and consistent traffic channel. On average, the click rates have leveled off at around 12%, with which we are very satisfied.