Virtual storytelling online
Web stories take the user on a visual journey: as a free part of the open net, it offers engaging animation for the users to interact with. They can also be shared and built in anywhere pretty much without limits.
Web Stories on Google
Web Stories can be shown as the sole search result in all regions and languages the google search is available. The admission into a grid view is also possible, but only in English and in the US.

Technical guidelines
Die Web Story muss mit AMP erstellt und deren Richtlinien erfüllt werden. Dazu gehören Vollständigkeit, kein kommerzieller Zweck und eine Länge von 5 bis maximal 30 Seiten. Titel sollten weniger als 40 Zeichen umfassen und Texte weniger als 200 Zeichen pro Seite.
The Web Story has to be created with AMP and their guidelines must be fulfilled. They have to be complete, not intended for commercial purpose and not go over 5 to 30 pages. Titles should include no more than 40 characters and texts less than 200 characters per page.
Activation in Google
After the Web Stories have been approved by the guidelines for Webmaster and Google News, they can be shown in google search and discover. As an option, for better understanding, you can add structured data through Google.