Case study


How desired created an attractive alternative for users after the WhatsApp newsletter was switched off.



Desired is a lifestyle magazine for women all about beauty, fashion and trends. Desired also offers an online magazine for the millennial woman between 18 and 40. desired
is the market leader in women & – with over four million fans in social networks
Lifestyle segment.

Push Notifications, Updates, personal Messages

Desired satisfies the readers’ desire for content – and offers an attractive alternative to the WhatsApp newsletters.

Corona led to take the step towards push at the beginning of April 2020. The users were not supposed to be annoyed by messages, and neither did they: in fact, they reacted extremely positively to the new options. always puts the wishes of its target group in the foreground and is characterized by authentic, honest and realistic articles. Each topic is supervised by an expert who ensures that the latest topics and trends are always tracked down.

We are particularly pleased that we were able to find another organic channel that is ROI-positive after just one week of the current month. Unfortunately, we did not achieve this with our previous WhatsApp newsletter provider by the end of the month.

Das kleine Interview

How long have you been with us? took the plunge into the lukewarm push water at the beginning of April. We had enormous respect for implementing a new channel during the Corona period and then with short-time work. The users are our top priority and of course we don’t want to bother them with annoying messages. But it quickly became apparent that the users were neither annoyed nor accidentally logged in. (These individual cases, from senior men who have probably got lost and wrote to us seeking help, always led to amusement and never to frustration on both sides.) During the quick implementation, our CleverPush contacts were available at any time and are still at our side today, so that soon all assets of Ströer media brands GmbH will use the CleverPush service.

What is your push strategy – how often and what content do the desired subscribers get pushed? provides users with the latest trends, news and of course a lot of passion for all topics that affect women. And just as a phone call with your best friend suddenly takes two hours, sometimes more than just news happens at Our users receive our daily horoscope every morning. After all, who doesn’t want to know what the day looks like? In addition, like on all other channels, we provide you with the latest news and trends. The users receive 3-4 pushes depending on the segmentation.

What is the content of your best notifications?
In the Covid times it was everything Christian Drosten says;) Currently it is more of recalls, studies or test winner news. Our readers trust in our perspective and expertise, with which we select which content is relevant for them every day. Of course, a little cave of the lions, GZSZ or Heidi Klum Tratsch should not be missing.

Has your traffic changed noticeably since using Push?
Push notifications are just another channel for us. Social and SEO remain the relevant parameters. But these users in particular are not always the most loyal. Through CleverPush we were able to “educate” these users to become regular readers.
We are particularly pleased that we were able to find another organic channel that is ROI-positive after just one week of the current month. Unfortunately, we did not achieve this with our previous WhatsApp newsletter provider by the end of the month.

What is your favorite feature at CleverPush?
We love the day. Of course, our users choose what interests them. But let’s be honest: that changes every day. (in the truest sense of the word !!) Through the tags we can see for whom the news about Meghan’s leather leggings is really exciting. And then only these readers should get wind of it. We don’t want to spam our users, but rather inspire them, that’s why we say: quality instead of quantity.

Are you already planning next steps for your push marketing?
Currently the pushes are still manual and not automated, we are currently thinking about that. We also want to further improve our click rates and are currently testing the machine learning function.

“Push notifications are just another channel for us. Social and SEO remain the relevant parameters. But these users in particular are not always the most loyal. With CleverPush we were able to “educate” these users to become regular readers."

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