Telegram bot creation – a brief overview

Telegram has become a big hit among messengers in recent years. Whether privately or in groups, many hundreds of thousands of users like and often use the service. Apart from the groups and channels, there are also bots, a third-party application. This is of course a program that did not come from Telegram. In short, […]

Telegram has become a big hit among messengers in recent years. Whether privately or in groups, many hundreds of thousands of users like and often use the service. Apart from the groups and channels, there are also bots, a third-party application. This is of course a program that did not come from Telegram.

In short, bots are user accounts that do not belong to humans, but to programs or robots. These accounts can be addressed via API/interface and used like any other account in Telegram. This is suitable, for example, for cobbling together your own clients, sending photo or text files or installing surveys for making appointments.

If you are familiar with modules in Drupal or plugins in WordPress, then you have a good idea of ​​a bot. Messages can be sent to the bot and the bot can react to them in many ways. These messages are usually commands which begin with a /, such as “/start”.

Creating a Telegram bot is a lot easier than you think. The only requirement is a Telegram account. Let us show you the process step by step.

  1. First click on “New Bot” at the bottom of the menu.
  2. Then they send the message “/newbot” to the BotFather.
  3. The next step is to give the bot a name.
  4. This is followed by the request to give the bot an additional user name. You will then receive the token.
  5. You can now send this token to the BotFather. Your new bot will now be listed with all of your bots.
  6. Here you can choose your bot and click on the link.
  7. Finally just enter “/start” on your bot.
  8. You now have access to the admin console, which gives you the option to add various features to your bot.

What do you want to do with your bot? The decision is yours. Bots are particularly interesting in the areas of marketing, sales and news. Telegram offers an open and powerful API interface, especially when compared to other messenger platforms – make the best of it!

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