For many companies and brands, marketing alerts are extremely important. Customers can find new products, discounts, information or opportunities for email registrations on websites. However, in most cases, push notifications are quite annoying for users. From their ponit of view, especially when they are busy, there is nothing more intrusive than random notifications. And if […]
For many companies and brands, marketing alerts are extremely important. Customers can find new products, discounts, information or opportunities for email registrations on websites. However, in most cases, push notifications are quite annoying for users. From their ponit of view, especially when they are busy, there is nothing more intrusive than random notifications. And if these, in addition, are not even well written or designed, it can lead to elevated churn rates really quick.
But that doesn’t always have to happen. Notifications have their advantages and can very well attract users. Writing good texts drews attention and generates interest. You can successfully stimulate desires, sell products, find new subscribers, make your brand known, etc.
We will show you in just 5 steps how to map a strategy for your push notifcations correctly. Thus you can bind your target group – instead of feeding the churn rates.
1. Respect your users
Push notifications are primarily intended to attract the attention of your users. Furthermore they´re supposed to arouse interest while users surfing a homepage or app.
But: In most cases, push notifications are just perceived as intrusive. Not at least due to unsuitable content.
Check the tonality carefully. Find the right moments to target your audience. Users will feel taken seriously and more respected as valued customers.
Always bear in mind: Their attention is extremely important to you. Therefore you should absolutely respect them.
2. Short and sweet
You have to convey your advertising message within the shortest attention span in the age of the 21st century. So its essential to be as brief and concise as possible. After all, nobody wants to read through an endless number of sentences. So keep them – your tonality as well- clearly and precisely.
Every second counts to engage and generate interactions. Make sure you only bring the most important things into the text. If you wander off the point, the reader will lose patience. And that drives the churn rates up further …
3. Lowered churn rates guaranteed: stay entertaining
The best push notifications are friendly and loose. This way, you come across as natural and sociable. Your users get the feeling of being involved in a conversation.
There is no need to say that you should avoid using a reproachful tone such as “You’re doing this wrong!”. Unless the aim is to repel and annoy users. Instead of luring them.
It is much better if you are a little more personal. Let´s call it human. Use sayings such as “Hey you” or “Sorry to disturb you”. Immediately you no longer sound like some kind of mailbot. Try adding some humor. Use emojis to make the notifications a little livelier (German language article). Because if you can bring a smile to your users’ face, you will of course be much better received by them.
4. Personalization and addressing the right audience
Address the recipient as personally as possible and adapt to the target group. You can insert the name of the user and, for example, start with “Hey Laura, we have an offer for you”. You can also segment your target group according to user demographics or behavior. Thus it´s possible to develop more customer-specific texts. This will also make the messages more positive to your customer and make them interact with you.
5. The very best remedy to stop churn rates: Generate curiosity
Always make sure that your users want more. And it’s not that difficult at all. People are curious by nature. So if we have only just a piece of information, we usually want the rest of it as well. You can write something right at the beginning of the text to arouse curiosity. Because that’s how they’ll want to read on – without being annoyed.
To avoid churn rates make always sure that you keep your push notifications open and direct. Try to personalize them as much as possible. Invite users by bringing in a little curiosity so that they want to read the notifications. Also make sure not to bother your users with too frequent messaging, but to find the right amount.
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