The CleverPush Magento Plugin has been tested up to Magento 2.4.5 and PHP 8.1.
Step 1
SSH to your server and navigate to your Magento 2 installation folder.
Step 2
Add the composer repository for the Metrilo Magento 2 plugin to your setup:
composer config repositories.cleverpush-magento git ““
Step 3
Install the plugin:
composer require cleverpush/webpush
Step 4
Now that the plugin is successfully installed run:
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 5
Configure the plugin by going to “Store” > “Configuration” > “CleverPush”.
You can take the CleverPush Channel ID from Web Push Channel Settings under “General” > “Advanced Settings” in CleverPush.
Step 6
Clear any caches you might have to make sure that the CleverPush code appears on all of your pages.
$ bin/magento cache:flush