Not all push notifications are effective or lead to the expected results. There may be reasons that you cannot influence. But sometimes mistakes creep in. Quite common mistakes simply not noticed. But the recipients will. So much, that perception can have a detrimental effect on your entire marketing campaign. In worst case, your whole company.
So that neither this nor that occurs, here are 9 common mistakes you can easily avoid.
1. You don’t know your audience
Sending push notifications just into the blue will hardly be of any use. Always create a Persona and set the wording for your messages accordingly. Data tools such as Google Analytics also help a lot in analyzing user behavior and avoiding this one of common mistakes.
Note the timing
The dispatch time should be mentioned here again separately,
because the success of an entire campaign stands or falls with it easily! Even if you have reliably grasped the characteristics of your target group, a message within the wrong timing will miss the mark. The optimal time depends on your offer, special occasions or the goal of the message sent. Pay attention to alleged small things like time zones or important events for your target group. Hardly anyone can do anything in the middle of the night with an information about a super sale. Or even looks at his cell phone while he is cheering for an important soccer tournament.
2. The content is irrelevant
As far as common mistakes are concerned, this ties in closely with the point mentioned above. However, this has already happened to companies that actually know their target group. Simple example: The user has allowed push notifications, because he is expecting updates from the international financial market. He will show little willingness to react, if local news is interspersed. Not to mention, that he still remains a subscriber.
Send notifications that actually deliver the value that is promised.
3. Your motto for updates: “A lot helps a lot!”
If you have new offers or content on a regular basis, the common mistake of communicating this right away tends to sneak in. First of all, it is a logical conclusion. However, don’t let this lead to new notifications every single time.
As long a bargain is not equipped with a countdown or if you are a provider of news, it is better to bundle your updates. Send e.g. 2-3 push messages / week as summaries. In this way you remind yourself. And the user feels informed – instead of overwhelmed with spam.
P.S .: Especially if you update carefully and not at every opportunity, a push message will earn even more attention.
4. You don’t measure results and performance
You are not informed about the opening rates or the click throughs. Maybe just about the convertions. If you lose sight of all the important numbers, you are simply putting your campaign at risk. And every campaign wthat comes after. You need to analyze to know which key visuals, which headlines, which content(s) etc. have aroused interest. Or which dispatching time has proven itself. You can only set up targeted campaigns if you know the whole range of values. Pick up the user on his customer journey and where he expects your support.
5. You do not clearly state why you´re sending messages
This often sneaks in as a common mistake. The user grants the opt-in. But you didn’t tell him why exactly you want to send push notifications. It can quickly happen that your intention and users expectation collides. It is obvious that the user does not appreciate this type of surprise. So always clearly state your reasons for sending push messages. This prevents misunderstandings – and the transparency leads to a higher click rate.
6. You are not checking for errors
Common mistakes, perhaps the most common ones, are typing or spelling errors. They crept in quickly and are all too human. It is therefore worth double-checking your message before clicking “Send”.
7. The Landing Page is not suitable
Sending a good push notification is one thing. It also depends a lot on where your customers are directed to after clicking onto your message. A common mistake is actually that the content of the message and the landing page are not aligned. So make absolutely sure that your landing page …
- matches the message in terms of content and design. Without any recognition value the user will only be confused – and jumps off immediately.
- is attainable. A 404 page is just as poisonous for your campaign as it is for your reputation as an advertiser.
- does not overwhelm the visitor with CTAs and pop-ups
- serves the expectations of your target group (see point 1)
8. The communication goal is missing
It already adressed above, now a little more concrete here. A common mistake found into a considerable number of campaigns is, that they lack a clear goal. All efforts seem to be directed to nothing certain. So always ask yourself what exactly you want to achieve. Traffic? More awareness? Sales / Subscriptions? Customer loyalty?
If you have not clearly defined your goal for yourself and your communication, you cannot carry it out clearly. Only when you know what you want to say, how to whom, with what intent, your users/future customers will understand you. And convert more reliably.
9. There is a lack of patience
Of course: Push campaigns cost time and, even if they are one of the less expensive advertising media, they still cost money. Accordingly, it is understandable if an action is not supposed to run forever. It is perfectly normal when you want to see success as quickly as possible. However, rushing it hardly helps. Allow time for campaigners and recipients alike. Observe user behavior, place A / B tests. With just a little patience and work, at least at the beginning, you can quickly send targeted and correspondingly successful push messages in the future.
What you already know from other aspects of life also applies here: keep the pot boiling, learn out of feedback, mistakes and – of course, your successes.
Now you know 9 common mistakes when sending push messages. You will have everything right under control with us – immediately. Talk to us, we´re looking forward to advice you on your project!.